Throughout each financial year, how do you keep track of driver vehicle changes? Which car any driver's moved from and to? When? What the P11D values of each are allowing you to accurately calculate Benefit in Kind figures?

Driver Audit Trail

Whilst we can’t work out the taxation, or Benefit in Kind, figures for you, our Driver Trail can at least ensure, where a driver changes vehicle, & there’s a difference in P11D value, or Co2 rating, you know which driver, & car it was, when it happened &, equally as important, how long it was for.

Assuming either we or you are keeping driver records up to date within FleetStreem, an excel report can be exported from FleetStreem covering any date range required at any time.

This function should ensure that you have all the driver changes that happen in your fleet at your fingertips, whenever you need it, with the minimum effort & least fuss possible.

FleetStreem driver trail - just another reason why Multileasing should be first choice for fleet.